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joi, 31 martie 2011

Un apel urgent, de la Masaru Emoto pentru cetatenii planetei Pamant!

Catre toti oamenii din lume: Sa trimitem rugaciuni si cuvinte de iubire si recunostinta, catre apa din reactoarele nucleare de la Fukushima.

La 16 zile de la cumplitul cutremur din Japonia, peste 10.000 de oameni sunt dati disparuti. Dar un lucru si mai rau este acela ca apa din reactoarele de la Fukushima au inceput sa se scurga si sa contamineze oceanul, apa si aerul din zonele invecinate. Singurul lucru care se face este sa se toarne apa pe reactoare. Oare sa nu mai fie altceva de facut? Eu cred ca este. In timpul celor peste 20 de ani de cercetari, am vazut ca apa devine pozitiva, atunci cand primeste vibratia pura a rugaciunii umane, indiferent cat de departe sunt oamenii care se roaga.

Formula lui Einstein E=MC2 inseamna, de fapt, ca Energia = numarul de oameni si patratul constiintei acestora.

Acum a venit momentul sa-i intelegem adevaratul sens. Sa ne unim in ceremonia rugaciunii, ca cetateni ai planetei Pamant. Vreau sa-i chem pe toti oamenii din toata lumea sa se uneasca, pentru a gasi un mod de rezolvare a crizei planetei.
Iata care este procedura pentru rugaciune:
DATA SI ORA: 31 martie (joi) la ora 12 locala, din fiecare tara.
Va rog sa spuneti urmatoarea fraza:


Va rugam sa rostiti aceste cuvinte cu voce tare sau in gand. Repetati-le de trei ori, tinand mainile in pozitie de rugaciune. Faceti-o cu sinceritate.
Va multumesc din inima.
Cu iubire si recunostinta.
Masaru Emoto, Mesager al apei.
Pentru cine vrea sa afle mai multe despre Masaro Emoto va dau urmatoarele linkuri

To all the people in the world:
We send prayers and words of love and gratitude to water nuclear reactors in Fukushima.
At 16 days after the terrible earthquake in Japan, over 10,000 people are missing. But something worse is that water reactors at Fukushima started to leak and contaminate the ocean, air and water of surrounding areas. The only thing that does is pour water reactors. Does something not to be done? I think it is. During over 20 years of research, I saw that the water becomes positive when he receives the pure vibration of human prayer, no matter how far are people who pray.

Einstein's formula E = MC2 means, in fact, that energy = the square of the number of people and their consciousness.

Now is the time to understand its true meaning. Let us unite in prayer ceremony, as citizens of planet Earth. I want to call all people of the world unite to find a way to solve the world crisis.

Here is the procedure for prayer:
DATE AND TIME: March 31 (Thursday) at 12 localities in each country.

Please say the following phrase:

WATER FROM Fukushima nuclear reactors, Sorry it make you suffer. PLEASE forgive us. THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU!

Please uttered these words aloud or silently. Repeat it three times, holding hands in prayer position. Do it with sincerity.
Thank you from the heart.
With love and gratitude.
Masaru Emoto, Messenger of water.

Who wants to know more about Masaro Emoto will give the following links

Surse de informare:
1. To All People Around the World
2. TAKE ACTION FOR JAPAN -Emoto Peace Project-
3. Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!

Trimiteti mai departe!
Merita sa incercam!
Aveti incredere!

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